No. 301 - テッパンみずきてぃeye
Teppan Mizukitty Eye
I like fusion lashes like these; denser and longer on the outer ends ♥ IMO this seems the most unique and promising out of the lot. Wanna try these the most!

No. 302 - チョンチョン系 甘タレ目
Chonchon Sweet Droopy Eye (chonchon-kei ama tareme)
Sole pair of lower lashes in the series. Looks really sweet, I wanna try these too~

No. 303 - すっきりナチュデカeye
Clear Natural Big Eye (sukkiri nachu-deka eye)
This looks somewhat like Dolly Wink No.1? But a denser, less feathery version. And one of the EyeLabo designs (can't remember which)
Adult Partial Lashes (otona na mejiri matsuge)
Partial/accent lashes for the corner of the eye. Seems a tad similar to the Takako Style No.11 Celeb Nude which I've got so I probably won't be getting this ^^
Overall the series looks really cute, quite suitable for the sweet/dolly/girly make styles. I'd really want to try out No. 301 and 302~ ♥
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