
Friday, April 1, 2011

Diary Collection ♥

A while ago a reader asked about the diaries I have/have been using. I admit I'm somewhat of a hoarder, there're are just so many nice designs! I don't think I'll finish using all, currently I'm using one per semester, and because there are so many pages I use these as notebooks as well. I only have 12! I'm quite tempted to get more as there are quite a few designs that have caught my eye on Gmarket but...I'm trying to resist! I usually get the free date ones, where everything is blank and you can use them for any year, starting from any month (:

This is the one I'm currently using, Paris, Je t'aime. Paris, I love you. The elastic strap is attached to the back cover, so it's really convenient I feel! More so that the separate elastic band type.

The diary came as a set, retailing for 16,000won, and includes the diary, a pen, 50 mini postcards, 36 mini envelopes and 5 sheets of stickers.

The inside is filled with photographs of streets, buildings, people in Paris. There weren't any pictures of fraisiers but there was one of a framboisier!

As you can probably tell, my favorite type of diary is the "photo diary" type. This one is 동경맑음 (translates to Tokyo Clear, clear referring to weather) that I used in 2008. It came with a pvc cover, separate elastic band, 50 mini postcards and 2 sheets of sticker.

Some of the mini postcards, which I stuck in the back few pages.

The monthly view.
It has pictures of streets/people/buildings in Tokyo, but some were of food!

The diary is divided into 12 sections, one per month. Each section has a monthly view, daily pages and empty ones like above. I used this for note-taking as well ^^

I haven't used this yet, but it's another photo diary, of Spain! It's called Spain soñar (soñar means 'dream' in Spanish). Came with a pen, red elastic band and sheet of index stickers. I've lost the cute pen! :((( Got this at 12,800won from Gmarket, bought in early 2010.

Each section (month) has pictures of a different Spanish city (: The pictures have a vintage feel and I like the little details like the border at the bottom ♥

Not really a photo diary but the JYJ Music Essay! I've written a detailed post about this here. Came with a pvc cover, 4 book marks and a CD. (The CD's actually the main item!) 24,300won from Gmarket.

The exterior of the diary, looks normal right? At least people won't think you're a rabid fangirl if you carry this around and write in it since the exterior isn't splashed with their faces right? But then the inside hehehe :D

The inside is mostly pictures of them, it also contained essays written by JYJ. Details in my previous post on this (:

I used this in 2009, it's not really a diary, just a scheduler. It's very thin and only has monthly view, no extra pages like weekly or daily view. S$11 from Kinokuniya if I recall correctly (:

I like the faint lace pattern in the background ♥

I used this in 2009, in my first semester of university. It's not a photo diary. And the inside is quite plain, no design or pictures on the monthly and weekly pages. The only decorated pages are at the back or the "free note" pages at the end of each month section.

Example of a decorated page. So, this was not one of my favorites ^^

Diary from Gusttimo, gelato parlor from Korea that opened a branch here. They were selling this for S$5.35. The cover is linen fabric (:

The insides have no color, all the pictures are sepia-toned. They are of streets/shops/scenes of Italy.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa in the background. I'm still quite sad I didn't have time to visit this when I went to Florence last year :(

Bonjour Paris, this was around 5,000won, it's actually really tiny! I can hold it top to bottom with my thumb to index finger. It's smaller than the span of my thumb to index! Or maybe I have long fingers haha.

The inside has photos of Paris (:

I like Shinhwa so when Kim Dongwan released his solo repackage I got this (it came with the CD). I think in 2007? The cover is suede and feels really nice! The inside pages for month/week are actually really plain, just that at the end of each month there are color photos of Dongwan.

This is the first/second page behind the cover. Anyway I haven't used it ^^

Edge Calligraphy diary, ~14,000won from Gmarket. I bought it in this haul. It came with a lot of things and the seller threw in a whole lot of freebies!

It's not a photo diary, it features different sorts of calligraphy (writing and pictures) instead of photos (:

Got this in 2007 (I like Bigbang too!). I haven't used it and I've lost the pink band :( And sadly it's year-specific (the days and dates are printed).

There are faded pictures of them in the background. Haha they were young! :D

Fly my dream diary. Got this in 2007? Used a bit of it as a notebook rather than diary.

Sample of the inside, it's quite colorful and features drawings of different countries on every page (fly my dream I guess means flying around the world)

So these are the diaries that I have. As you can probably tell, I have a bias for photo diaries. I just love seeing pictures of places, the architecture especially (: There are lots that I'd love to haul from Gmarket, but it'd be excessive to get so many! What kind of diaries do you like? Do you prefer character diaries or photo diaries or others?

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